As I write this, we have just heard the details of BC’s plan for the much-anticipated “restart.” The final Step 4 will commence September 7, 2021 IF more than 70% of the adult population has received dose 1 of the vaccine and case counts and hospitalizations are low at that time. In Step 4, Dr. Henry tells us that social distancing will no longer be required and mask-wearing will be optional.
Since our first concert of the 2021/22 season is planned for October 2, we are feeling pretty confident that we will be able to gather at the RCA for the opening as planned. As you know, we have up to now been preparing for the season to the extent we have been able without the PHO’s detailed guidance, but we can now proceed with our sponsorship and subscription campaigns for the next season. I can’t tell you how happy I am to be able to say this!
If you were a subscriber to our 40th Anniversary season, you will receive your renewal package by mail over the summer. You may renew the seats you had for that season, or you can request a change if you prefer. You should contact us now if your mailing address has changed recently. If you were not a subscriber in 2019/20, please send us an email request for the season information so we can include you in the mailing. Please send all address updates, brochure requests and any other enquiries to [email protected].
We have been busy in recent months writing grant applications to our major funders for both ongoing operating support and special pandemic-related assistance. It’s encouraging that our main government funders, Canadian Heritage through the Canadian Arts Presentation Fund and the City of Kelowna have recognized the challenges faced by performing organizations and especially the performers themselves in these difficult times. We have received assistance from the City to help us prepare a plan to rebuild audiences for our main series and we hope to receive funding to launch a new program to bring young chamber ensembles into non-traditional venues in the community.
Our AGM is coming up on June 22nd; the official notice to members will be forthcoming by email in a couple of weeks. We hope you will be able to join us then, but let me give you a quick overview of the fiscal year which ended on April 30.
Since we had to cancel our main series concerts for 2021/22, we had no ticket sales revenue. We were fortunate in that government funders continued to support us and that we received donations from many dedicated supporters to aid us in our rebuilding for the future. Without concerts, our expenses were much reduced, of course, so we recorded an operating surplus on the year. Our balance sheet is strong and we have funds set aside (from ticket donations connected with our concert cancellations of Spring 2020) which are available to offset some of the extra expenses we must expect to incur to get back on the stage.
If you have time and inclination to get more involved with CMK, we are recruiting for volunteer positions,including for the Board of Directors. Please contact me at [email protected] or our Vice-President, Magda Mutch, at [email protected] if you would like to discuss participating. We can certainly employ more willing hands and minds!
Our Board is extremely grateful to those wonderful donors (see below) who have stepped up in the last year to support the CMK Arnold Draper Fund for Young Artists which has been established at the Central Okanagan Foundation. The balance in the fund is now $10,725 – which includes both the restricted donations of “friends of Arnold” and CMK’s 50% matching contribution. We feature in this Newsletter another brilliant young artist, Emily Traversy, and we hope you will be moved by her story to make your own contribution.
We are more than excited about the prospect of returning the Mary Irwin Theatre in the Fall. In the meantime, have a wonderful Okanagan summer!
Diane Bond
President, Chamber Music Kelowna Society 2020-2021