President’s Message – July 2023

Hello CMK Friends –

I hope you are enjoying the warm weather and joining me in praying – or dancing – for rain. Though it seems we are better off than many parts of our province right now.

At CMK we are trying to do some new and inventive programs and I hope you were able to join us at one of the great “off-the-beaten-trail” concerts given by the Ulysses Quartet in mid-June. These young artists adapted to non-traditional venues beautifully and their programs were over-the-top inventive and interesting.

For classical music lovers, however, the summer can feel a bit like a desert, with the Fall Season shining like a mirage in the distance. So, we are looking forward tremendously to returning to the RCA’s Mary Irwin Theatre on October 13th for another great CMK season. We feature this month an interview with our Artistic Director, Patricia Tao who shares her thinking about putting together this season, her first with CMK.

CMK utilizes many kinds of talent, and right now we are looking for an administrator/bookkeeper to keep us on track. Doug Whitehead, who has so ably served for several seasons, is retiring, so if you have interest and experience in this type of role, I hope you will email me and we can set up a time to chat. We have our books and records in good order and our required reporting up-to-date.Wishing you a safe and sunny summer!


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