President’s Message – February 2021

Diane Bond

Greetings from the Board of CMK, 

First and most importantly, we want to give you a “sneak peek” at the 2021/22 Season due to launch on Saturday, October 2, 2021; please view by following this link to our Concert Series page. We all need to have hope for the future and we hope putting the CMK series dates in your calendar will help you look forward to the time when we can return to the theatre safely. Of course, these plans are subject to public health restrictions being eased, so we are not asking subscribers to forward payment at this time. You will get a letter from us when the Province’s vaccination program is further advanced and the goal is in sight.

Despite the cancellation of the 2020/21 season, we have been busy behind the scenes and we hope you have noticed some improvements. Our website has a new look and much improved functionality, we have adopted a colourful new logo and we have made some yards on a few important strategic priorities. We are grateful to the Central Okanagan Foundation (COF) for a project grant which has helped tremendously to update our communications, both internal and external. This has been a lifesaver during the pandemic.

We are also very pleased to report that we have just forwarded to the COF the founding contribution to the CMK Arnold Draper Award Fund in the amount of $9,675, which is composed of restricted donations from our wonderful supporters and $3,225 in matching funds appropriated by the Board. We are thrilled about reaching this first milestone and look forward to adding to the fund with your help.

We are sad to report that Eeva-Maria Kopp, our Artistic Director since 2018, has recently moved back to Finland, her country of origin, to pursue her academic studies and performing career. Eeva-Maria completed main series arrangements for 2021/22, largely by rescheduling artists who were cancelled in 2020/21 due to the pandemic. We have received excellent cooperation from artists and their managers in organizing new dates next season and we look forward to welcoming these wonderful musicians to Kelowna – albeit a little later than originally intended.

As the season of flowers and sunshine approaches, we hope you continue safe and well.  It won’t be very long now…

Diane Bond
President, Chamber Music Kelowna Society